Starting out, we wanted to get a good idea about the demographics of the area. So we hit the books, searched the web and found out everything we could about the area and the people who lived there. 
 We then took it to the streets where we talked to people in the community about their feelings on the Police, and how they thought the Police could be more involved. We asked them about changes they'd like to see, or any suggestions they might have.
  Now that we had a lot of research it was time to get to work. After brainstorming with a million and one different word combinations we came up with blue - being the police, and you - being the community. The plus represents the two working to
 Here are some of they different logos we came up with. They were presented to the Chief for a final decision. 
 The final logo!
 After the logo was finalized we started making different promotional pieces, which included t-shirts, stickers, bumper stickers, buttons, and more!
 We organized an outdoor movie event where we would project a movie onto the side of the police department building. This was the first that turned into many!
 Before the movie night, the Police held a press release with us and all the local news stations. We presented the new brand, "Blue Plus You" and it served as a kick off of the whole initiative. 
 The first movie night was an absolute sucess!
 We also we given the task of redesigning the Sarasota Police website. Here is the old site.
 Here's the new website, you can check it out yourself at:
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